Россия для Западного человека...If your Russian companions decide to invite you out, expect to be treated to lavish entertaining in a restaurant. Spouses are rarely included on these occasions, although they are often invited to gatherings in homes.
...Women are discouraged from dining alone in restaurants.
...Begin eating only after somebody says a toast, even if there is no alcohol on the table [which is almost impossible]. Toasting is a very important part of dining.
...Note that Russians use the continental style of holding utensils, with the fork held in the left hand, tines down, and the knife in the right hand at all times.
...If you're unsure of which utensil to use, start from the outside to work your way in, course by course.
...Russia is a drinking culture. Refusing to drink is unacceptable unless you give a plausible excuse, such as explaining that health or religious reasons prevent you from imbibing. Also you may smile and pretend that you are drinking, to show that you accept the toast and respect those around you.
...Be aware that your Russian counterparts may prefer conducting business when you are drunk. Know when it's time to stop, since every time you drain your glass, you may be urged to have a “refill.”